PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 31946 - Eláfkeria ARPG - Design Approval & Corrections

  1. Posted on Jan 3, 2021, 6:52:56 AM UTC
    ID: 31946

    On Jan 1, 2021, agrizian said:

    PaperDemon URL:

    First-Time Design:

    Proof of Ownership:

    Design Notes: -

    Special Note: I'm a first-time owner!

    One more step! Such a handsome lad, I love what you've done! But there are a few corrections you'll need to do before we can approve this:

    - The point of Sun dips a little too low, so it doesn't quite cover the minimum required range! The outline does not count for coverage and must remain within the max recessive area. Additionally, the outline goes beyond coverage on the jaw here. I've highlighted the areas here.
    - Unders curves a little too low along the belly, and dips below the minimum required range here. Unders also bleeds into the dom coverage along the leg here.
    - Beak doesn't quite cover the minimum area, and needs to be expanded to cover the bridge of the nose along here.
    - Since Amber is affecting the base, and is recessive, it cannot affect Blixem as well! It can only affect base dependent markings (like Burn) while Blixem is any natural color. 
    Once you've made the corrections, please reupload your Eláfkeri through the Design Corrections form in the forum. 
    -- DopeyOakeyNuts