PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 29247 - Huevember, Slowvember, NaNoWriMo [Art Writing Challenges]

  1. Posted on Oct 30, 2019, 3:18:13 AM UTC
    ID: 29247

    Did you participate in Inktober? That's awesome and worth being proud of! Don't forget to tag your art with inktober and collect your experience points! Also I recently learned there was another variation on this challenge called Kinktober that I totally missed the boat on! Crap baskets, we'll try it next year.

    We have a few challenge options for you for the month of November. Take your pick for whichever one feels right for you at this point in time. Don't forget that this is the time of year when things tend to get busy with holiday and family obligations! Be honest with yourself and what you might be able to accomplish for the month.


    If you love color, want to improve your color in your work, or want to establish a daily art habit, this is a good challenge for you. Huevember borrows a format similar to Inktober. For the month of November, you'll produce a new work of art every day using a different color in the provided prompt list which is really just a color palette. Each day is associated with a different color of the palette.

    If one every day is too much for you, someone has come up with a modified version of this challenge where you create one every three days using the three tertiary colors of the Huevember palette prompt.

    A few additional suggestions for you for Huevember

    • You may use more than just the official color for the day but the color prompt should be the most prominent color.

    • There's no Huevember police so if you want to modify this challenge even further (such as doing just one per week), you're welcome to.

    • If you participated in Inktober, you can take your inked drawings from that and apply color to them

    • Find old drawings that you already spent the time concepting and sketching out to use as a starting point for your Huevember piece.

    • Don't be afraid of fanart or personal art here. The root of this challenge is establishing a daily habit and working on your color. Those goals can easily be achieved with fan art or personal art. Go ahead and indulge and do something fun for yourself

    • If you're working traditionally, you may want to diverge from the official palette prompt based on the medium you're using.

    How to participate

    1. Create a new piece every day (or whatever days you decided) using the color from the prompt list

    2. Post them to PaperDemon art section with the tag huevember by December 1st

    3. Collect your points at the end of the challenge. You'll get 45XP for each entry

    Color basics

    Do you not feel that confident with color yet? I have a few lessons on color that covers some of the basics of color selection.

    Looking for inspiration?

    Kasey Golden did a video sharing all of her pieces from 2018 Huevember.

    I also keep a pinterest board full of art that inspires me and most pieces are there due to their excellent use of color. If you haven't started your own board of art that inspires you, I suggest you start one so that when the time comes to put something together, you have a place to draw from. But feel free to peek at mine and see if there's anything there that inspires you or sparks an idea.


    If you did participate in Inktober, jumping right into another daily art challenge probably sounds like torture. Never fear, there's another challenge that might be more your style.

    Slowvember is quite the opposite. You work on one piece for the entirety of the month of November. This is a chance to do a more finished illustration piece.

    How to participate

    1. Work on an entry

    2. Post it to the art section with the tag slowvember by December 1st

    3. Collect your XP. We're offering 150 XP for 1 entry.

    Livestream schedule

    Let's have some dedicated time where we can work on our art and writing for the challenge. The first 30-60 minutes of each livestream will start with a discussion topic or Huevember art demo. The remaining portion of the stream will be used for progress on my Huevember entries or my personal work.

    • Monday Nov 4, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Discussion: How to find inspiration

    • Tuesday Nov 5, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Demonstration: Inspiration palette

    • Monday Nov 11, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Discussion: How to stay motivated in long challenges

    • Tuesday Nov 12, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Demonstration: Desaturated palette

    • Monday Nov 18, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Demonstration: Color comping

    • Tuesday Nov 19, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Demonstration: Using coloors to get great color palettes

    • Monday Nov 25, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Demonstration: Freestyle Huevember demo

    • Tuesday Nov 26, 10am PST / 6pm UTC – Discussion: Thanksgiving chat. What are you thankful for?

    Watch the livestream on my Twitch Channel


    For those of you who are writers and have thought about writing a novel or have started but not yet finished one, consider this the year that you get your first draft completed! NaNoWriMo is for National Novel Writing Month and is a long standing annual challenge that helps writers get the first draft of a novel done. Learn more and sign up at the official NaNoWriMo website.

    This is a tough challenge to sustain. It might help to find a buddy so you can hold each other accountable and help each other when you get stuck or need an extra boost of motivation. Our discord server is a good place to find a buddy.

    That is all and I'm looking forward to seeing the work you create this month!


    Last edited by BogusRed on Nov 4, 2019, 3:50:44 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

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