PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 29221 - [Art Challenge] Smaugust 2019 Composition challenge

  1. Posted on Aug 2, 2019, 6:05:34 PM UTC
    ID: 29221

    Here there be dragons.

    This art challenge runs from August 1 - 31, 2019.

    This month we have an excuse to draw our favorite mythical creature, dragons. For the month of August post as many Dragon drawings as you can create and tag them with smaugust. You'll gain 50 XP for every drawing up to a maximum of 31 drawings.

    To add an extra layer of challenge to help you improve your art, let's focus on improving our composition. Dragons are interesting and compelling creatures that make for great subject matter here.

    Getting started

    There are many different sheets of prompts that have been created by others to help spark ideas. Feel free to pick whichever prompt list you like or mix-and-match. Or ditch the prompts entirely and come up with your own concepts.

    ChipperChartreuse has put together a Smaugust Pinterest board with prompts, tutorials, and inspiration to help you get started.

    Learning Composition

    Composition is an important art fundamental that helps artists make their art more compelling and tell a story. Do you find yourself struggling with the positioning of elements in your art? Does something about the placement feel off? These lessons can help give you guidance on where to place all the things.

    This month I'll be doing free live art lessons demonstrating some composition fundamentals you can use to improve your art with dragons as the subject matter. This should be fun! Are you ready? Here's the schedule for the month...

    Livestream schedule

    • Composition Lesson #1: Telling a story through composition
      Wednesday August 7th, 2019 10AM PST

    • Composition Lesson #2: How to use depth to tell your story
      Wednesday August 14th, 2019 10AM PST

    • Composition Lesson #3: Sizing and silhouettes
      Wednesday August 21st, 2019 10AM PST

    • Composition Lesson #4: Easy peasy composition tricks
      Wednesday August 28th, 2019 10AM PST

    Watch the lessons live on my Twitch channel.

    Create a Twitch account if you want to be able to ask questions or chat with others during the lesson.

    Do you have composition tips? Post them in the forums as a reply to this post so others can benefit, too.

    I look forward to seeing all of your great dragon drawings this month!

    Last edited by BogusRed on Aug 2, 2019, 6:11:41 PM UTC. 2 total edits.