PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1326 Members

Post 28906 - Hello Internet! Live video with BogusRed

  1. Posted on Oct 2, 2017, 4:35:08 AM UTC
    ID: 28906

    Thanks for the tips MaskedDragonNamedLin. I will totally do an outline next time.

    Oh sweet. I'm glad the storyboarding article was helpful! Thanks for letting me know that. Sometimes I have no idea if anyone is reading those things so it's great to hear back about it.

    No worries about the adult section. Not for everyone which is why we keep it separate.

    LazyDragoness. Thanks for participating in the conversation :D I didn't give much notice about the livestream. No worries for missing it. The videos are still on facebook so anyone can watch them whenever.

    Yay glad you like the community feel. :heart:

    I'll try to do another livestream either late this week or next week. I had a pretty busy and stressful week last week and have some tight deadlines this week to work through. I'll let everyone know when the next livestream is going up.