PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 27729 - Post your Christmas tree!

  1. Posted on Dec 12, 2011, 2:27:07 PM UTC
    ID: 27729

    My Christmas tree is an artificial one also that has a neat little history.

    My mom started this tradition when I was younger, where she got me a mini tree that she used a bunch of left over ornaments to decorate it with. But what I didn't know until later was, she saved every hand made ornament I ever made or received, along with a few that were bought for me. So the year I turned 18, I had moved out, and it was my first christmas on my own, and I had no tree. She bought me the tree you see below, and gave me all those ornaments she'd been saving to decorate with. So now every year in December, I get it out, fluff out the branches, and decorate it all over again.

    Haha. So, it's nice to have the memory behind it.

    Here's the link to the pic: 208flv8.jpg

    I don't know how to link images here...

    <edit="Arkillian">If you know HTML, you can chuck it into the source code rather than the mark up text by clicking 'Source' in the top left of the box. There doesn't seem to be an easy button for pictures though... Your picture is up though :) </edit>

    Last edited by ArkillianDragon on Dec 12, 2011, 7:55:52 PM UTC. 3 total edits.