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Post 25970 - Harry Potter Fanfics?

  1. Posted on May 31, 2011, 10:18:20 PM UTC
    ID: 25970

    O.o Actually, I was forced to read this a few years back, and it's bringing back all SORTS of 'fond' memories. I remember everyone at Hogwarths was goth, and I think I got half way through before I discovered mind bleach wasn't enough :/ I think I've only seen one worse than that- it was a Knights of the Old REpublic fanfic that I had to read a sentance at a time cause it was UNBEARBLE. Possibly slightly more than My Immortal, but only because they refered to the kinky parts as having GOO go everywhere O.o Urgh... That was NASTY. My Imortal is pretty hideous all the same though XD I think when you're that bad, you already have too much mind bleach to compare terrible with terrible XD