PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 23836 - Real Man

  1. Posted on Feb 25, 2009, 6:49:39 AM UTC
    ID: 23836

    On Feb 24, 2009 9:08 pm, blackwinddragon said:


    Of course you have, silly, because everyone's cultural and social environments were different when they raised as children, and anything of signifigance that occurs later in adulthood (ie. a good boyfriend versus a nasty boyfriend) is going to change their opinion.  And someone's definition is not going to be right for everyone -- somone who's had a wretched experience with men in thier lives is going to have a very jaded view compared to someone who didnt.  I think someone stated it earlier, but basically a "man" is what ever you want to make of it, based on your previous experiences.

    Think of like this -- what do you think a real man should be?


    I don't know... even I could answer that question, my answer will be exactly wrong.

    Before you say that there is no right and wrong answer... my answer would never feel right.

    There are endless vairety of men in the universe. Good men, bad men, funny men, serious men, playful men, family men, single men, working men, rich men, poor men, happy men, sad men, angry men, weird men... but none of them are real men.

    The only one who knows what a real man is is God.