PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 20932 - Writer's Circle

  1. Posted on Feb 11, 2008, 9:56:29 AM UTC
    ID: 20932

    Well, I have no elves, lol.

    I do have a sort of centaur like race called the Chardeion. They have deerlike bodies and they don't have hair but fur that grows on their heads and backs. Ofcourse they also have antlers growing on their heads, both the male and female Chardeion. They are reclusive and live in the great forest of Naclos, a druidic society. Most males are hunters and protect their woods and tribe. A tribe is lead by an elder couple of Chardeion. They used to live on plains but were driven backwards by the race of man and as such they have come to distrust the race of man. They revere Mother Nature and live according to her wishes. At the end of their lives Chardeion become full deer. They haven't made an appearance in the story yet, so I'm still working on this.

    Then I have the Kodara. They are tall beings,with tusks and skin that can be various forms of green and blue. Their hair is bright, can be green, blue, red, white and various shades in between. They have regenerative abilities and their legs look like those of a raptor. I have only come up with this race recently, as one of the major characters is one, although she was raised by the Chardeion.

    I can't forget Ahura's race. I guess they come closest to elves, although they have been living in the oceans for centuries already. I still need to think more about them. We've only met Ahura so far and I need to think about what their society is like.