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Post 19644 - You know a story is good when....

  1. Posted on Sep 23, 2007, 11:20:34 AM UTC
    ID: 19644

    On Sep 15, 2007 5:19 am, Wandersoul said:

    On Sep 14, 2007 7:00 am, Sliverbane said:

    You know a story is good when you 'talk to the book'

    This is me my room alone with my book:  "He's gonna do it!?'  "Stupid, don't talk to her she's got the poison" "Oh, hurry up and save them!"

    That's happened to me a couple times.



    -shiftyeyes- No, I've never heard of that happening...xD Lol, I'm terrible for doing that.


    You know a story's good when you're reading, and suddenly it's midnight and you're thinking, 'Shoot, I need to get up at 5:30.' :p

    Yeah, like pretty much everyone else said...the pacing and character development is what really draws me through. In a lot of ways 'good' or 'bad' writing is pretty subjective, once you get past the basic 'rules' to writing...depends on what someone really focuses on when they're reading, and what makes it, ahm, I don't know -- "effortless" for them to read? Don't know if that makes sense.



    Hehe... me too.  I've done both those things.  What's worse, is when I 'talk' to my books, they sound like mad mumblings... 

    When I read 'The DaVinci Code', I started around 8pm, and the next thing I knew, it was 4:30, and I had to be up at 8!  Needless to say, that repeated the following night.  I just HAD to finish it, lol. 

    Adding on to all that...  As a writer/reader of fanfiction, and as fanfiction contains characters that are already well-known and their characteristics are nothing new, I think that it all comes down to the plot.  If there aren't enough sub-plots (or any) to supplement, and if the main plot is too boring, people will stop reading.  And, as it goes without saying in fanfiction, bad grammar and atrocious spelling is DEFINATELY a turn-off...