PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 169 - Rules for all Forums OLD from 2005 ARCHIVE

  1. Posted on Feb 24, 2005, 7:13:15 AM UTC
    ID: 169

    After some recent spamming occurences, I've decided it's time to lay down the law of the land. These rules apply to ALL the forums on the site.

    1) No spamming. This includes starting a new topic of nonsense or just smileys. This also includes posting a topic in an unrelated forum.

    2) Double-posting. Double-posting (posting two posts in a row on a topic) is not allowed . Instead, please use the edit button to edit your last post if you need to add something and nobody has replied.

    3) No advertising spam. If you are creating an account at just to spam my forums with advertising, your topics will be deleted and you will be banned immediately.

    4) If you see someone spamming, don't reply to their topic/post yelling at them. Just send me a private message or click "Contact" at the bottom of the page to send me an email and alert me of the problem. Try to be specific by telling me the person's name and the name of the topic.

    5) Be civil. No flames, personal attacks, etc on other members of the site. Also no trolling or flame baiting.

    6) Do not link to any sites with illegal or innappropriate content such as porn. Do not put disturbing images in your forum posts.

    7) If you are starting a topic that is of a mature nature, please post it to the Red Curtain forums.

    8) No potty language in topic titles.

    9) You must also label your topic appropriately. For example, if your post has a movie spoiler, put [SPOILERS] at the end of your topic name. Here are some other labels to consider:

    [NSF56K] - Not safe for dialup connections; has a lot of images
    [SPOILERS] - your topic or the site you are linking to spoils a video game, anime, or movie.

    If your forum topic has a link to mature content, please label it appropriately with [18+]. Feel free to contact a moderator if you feel your topic needs to be changed to add a label.

    If it is a serious violation it could result in a warning or banning from the site. If it isn't serious, the post will just be deleted.

    If you have ideas for improvement of these rules or would like to report abuse, let me know.


    NOTE: This topic was moved from website news to general discussion for technical reasons

    Last edited by BogusRed on Jul 24, 2021, 9:55:52 PM UTC. 9 total edits.