PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 11342 - need new ideas

  1. Posted on Aug 5, 2006, 5:40:49 PM UTC
    ID: 11342
    Lyude, from where did ya get that idea from? :ponders:

    Anyway, What about telling a story of a man, who can die, but raises from the dead everytime he's killed? But this time he has lost his memory. And that a ghost is in love with him (and he got that pretty ghost killed in the past... exept it was his some sort of ebil incarnation). He's so scarred, that no one knows his age, not even himself (although his incarnations has left several marks of their existense to the city of Sigil). The only thing he's trying to find out is why is he immortal...

    Planescape Torment, anyone?

    P.S. Lyude, that's a great game, but i always got stuck at one point and since that i got bored and moved on to other games :sick: