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Zelda movie!!??

  1. Posted on Apr 6, 2008, 9:34:14 AM UTC
    ID: 21254 | #1
    Level 115

    Single handedly the best April fools joke ever. Created by here check it out. I got so excited when I first saw it but then I noticed it was alittle amature looking then I read the vid description and was let down :( but it still looks awesome!

  2. Posted on Apr 6, 2008, 9:46:31 AM UTC
    ID: 21255 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    Heheh.... Nice. I was kinda a bit "It's ok but feels like its ripping off a bazillion other movies..." then the April 1st thing popped up and I was like "NAUGH. I'mnot buying into this" XD

    It does look pretty cool ^^ Although Link's costume looks totally stupid on that actor XD Tis a shame. Link is a good character ^^

  3. Posted on Apr 6, 2008, 9:54:20 AM UTC
    ID: 21256 | #3
    Level 115

    Yeah I got all excited when I saw the title but then when the video started it looked all cheesy and amature so it had to be fake. The the description said so and I was all "That explains it." I'm glad they used the Ocarina of Time storyline for the trailer though that's the best Zelda game ever. They should've toned down the green on his tunic and it wouldn't look so cosplayish for Zelda's costume too. They put a whole bunch of stuff in there that was in the game so that was cool. Even the crazy flying blade plant things XD

  4. Posted on Apr 6, 2008, 5:23:29 PM UTC
    ID: 21259 | #4
    Level 40

    Yes, I saw it.  Very well made.  Totally believeable...  I've read a few forums in which there was a lot of backlash over who played link. 'He's ugly' etc.  I think the actor in the trailer pulled it off.

  5. Posted on Apr 7, 2008, 2:23:57 AM UTC
    ID: 21263 | #5
    Level 115

    The graphics and costumes were really well made but compared to a big budget movie it really gave it away as a fake which let me down completely. I actually thought they could've picked a younger guy to play Link. Cause...well he is a teen in the game. Not that the actor they picked in the trailer was bad I just don't think he looked the part. But I really do hope that someone will take on a Zelda movie that would be awesome.

  6. Posted on Apr 7, 2008, 2:32:04 AM UTC
    ID: 21264 | #6
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I wouldn't say he was ugly, but he really didnt' look like how I invision Link. Maybe late teens. He did look too old though. I liked the cheese cut fighting scenes XD I felt all B grade again ;)

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