PaperDemon Art RPG

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  1. Posted on May 31, 2005, 9:35:15 AM UTC
    ID: 510 | #1
    Level 39
    Yep, updated my profile for a loooooooooooooooooong time.. :lol:


    *Edit* Updated it a little further... =)

    *Edit, part 2* Updated book section with the book The Gates of Fire (Tuliportit) that tells about Spartans way of life and their defeat at narrow pass against a army never seen before.

    300 Spartan soldiers and their weapon carriers and slaves defended that narrow pass from an army, that strenght was in millions, but Spartans stood to their ground and held the passage for a week, even when they were said to hold for less than 2-3 days. Those brave Spartan soldiers had to hold the pass because army back home was scattered and they had to assemble against invading army.

    It is a great book and i'd recommend it to all, who are interested in ancient Spartans OR to those, who are interested in great warbooks.

    *Edit, part 3* Now my hobbies are in orderly fashion so that you don't have to read it with your eyes crossed, :lol:

    *Edit, part 4* I've written to band section their music style (or atleast what I think they are)

    *Edit, part 5 NEWEST* Added links to their homepages to most of the bands...

    Last edited by Brethesen on Jul 5, 2005, 1:38:31 PM UTC. 5 total edits.

  2. Posted on May 31, 2005, 5:20:11 PM UTC
    ID: 515 | #2
    Level 129
    Hey, um, I'm starting to notice a pattern here. I might be going out on a limb here, but, I think you like paintball. lol It's good to meet you. I still can't believe your from Finland. I bet it's beautiful. I'm in Nebraska. Otherwise known as the middle of nowhere! I hate Nebraska... nothing but cows and corn... literally. I'm a California girl by nature. Born and bred in San Diego. I was dragged here when I was 12. I hate it! I hope to someday get back to the coast. For now, I'll just dream. *sigh*
  3. Posted on May 31, 2005, 5:24:38 PM UTC
    ID: 516 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Yes, come back to California and come on an episode of Zarbon's Masterpiece Theater! :bounce: I like it here. The weather can't make up it's mind but it's nice her.
  4. Posted on May 31, 2005, 7:54:12 PM UTC
    ID: 521 | #4
    Level 129
    Ooh, really? Can I? *gets dreamy look in eyes* I love being by the ocean. It's so majestic. That's where I feel at home the most. Either that or I want to move to Romania. Wallachia (a province or whatever of Transylvania) to be exact. I think I shall go live in the Castle Dracula. I have been obsessed with that castle and the man who lived there. ( Vlad Tepes is his name. He's the one Bram Stoker fashioned Dracula after. I'll tell you the stories some time.) Maybe he could be a guest on Zarbon's Masterpiece Theater. There's a twisted idea. :evil:
  5. Posted on Jun 5, 2005, 11:12:31 AM UTC
    ID: 546 | #6
    Level 39
    Vlad 3rd The Impailer... First "dracula"... Lady Anime79, IF you're gonna move into Transylvania, then may i come to visit you in there? ;)

    Seriously, who wouldn't be interested from Vlad?

    Or are we just insane? o.O
  6. Posted on Jun 6, 2005, 2:33:48 AM UTC
    ID: 551 | #7
    Level 129
    Insanity is as insanity does. I truly believe Brethesen that I am insane. At least that's what all of my other personalities keep telling me. :wacko: Yes, if I move to Transylvania you can come visit me. We will spend our days making anime Vlads all over the walls. That would be awesome! I have been an admirer of Vlad the Impaler for a long time and secretly worship him in my garage. I once did an awesome drawing of him. I lost it, but, maybe I will do another one because I love him so much. That's really cool that I'm not the only one here who knows of him. This just keeps getting better and better. You guys rock! :thumbsup:
  7. Posted on Jun 6, 2005, 5:21:00 AM UTC
    ID: 555 | #8
    Level 39
    Bah! Dmn grammatic errors...

    *self-naration fading*

    Whewhawhy? Oh, is it just me or has this topic gone off-topic? :lol:

    ...Aand i hope that you're not serious about that "We will spend our days making anime Vlads all over the walls" thingie...

    'cuz i've already said it but i'll say it again: I'm not good at drawing, that's why I write poems... :redface: :annoyed:

    *Edit* And stories too, it seems... Everyone who is interested, my first story is in Red Curtain, so remember to check it out!

    Last edited by Brethesen on Jun 6, 2005, 9:48:38 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  8. Posted on Jun 12, 2005, 4:36:47 PM UTC
    ID: 703 | #9
    Level 129
    I think that's what always happens in "General Discussion" forums, hon. That's why it's called General Discussion... aka you can blab about anything under the sun as long as it starts with some general input to the topic.*laughs*
    As for the ani-Vlads, I'll draw them, you can just write something really neat about him and then spend the rest of the day eating potato chips and watching me go crazy trying to render the perfect portrait of him. o.O Time to put this back on topic for you... you really like paintball. ;) How's that? :worship:
  9. Posted on Jun 12, 2005, 6:12:03 PM UTC
    ID: 704 | #10
    Level 35
    Well, I'm from Canada. So, I'm pretty far from you too, Brethesen. I wonder what Finland is like? It must be beautiful over there. Maybe one day I'll get to visit it. Anyways, ciao!!!! ;)

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