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Adopt an abandoned baby

  1. Posted on Mar 26, 2009, 9:25:08 PM UTC
    ID: 24081 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I wouldn't adopt it. What if the parent came back for it? I don't need that stress. The legal side would want you to report it, so the parent can be trialed for neglect. It's not a romantic situation like it is in the movies. Abandoning a child is a SERIOUS offense.

  2. Posted on Mar 26, 2009, 10:56:26 PM UTC
    ID: 24082 | #3
    Level 174 BETA MOD

    I would adopt from an orphanage or adoption centre...  But in Canada, at least, we never hear about abandoned babies...  I don't know if that's because it's hidden or not, but I would imagine that due to how available adoption services are, and how in-demand babies are for infertile couples, that "abandonment" is very rare indeed.

    And no, I wouldn't adopt an abandoned baby..  I would probably take it to a shelter.  It would also, of course, depend on where/how I found this baby, too.

  3. Posted on Mar 26, 2009, 11:23:35 PM UTC
    ID: 24083 | #4
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    I think it'd be more relevant to ask if you'd adopt a baby at all. THAT is a big call. Alot of people have pride in their own blood line and will refuse to adopt as it's not their blood born. I think that's more relevant than adoption abandoned children.

  4. Posted on Mar 27, 2009, 10:45:53 AM UTC
    ID: 24088 | #5
    Level 16

    I think you're being a little vague here, sorry to say -- there a recertain situations where I'm sure a person would and would not adopt an abandoned baby.

    Most people have said no, they wouldn't, but I'm going to assume theyre thinking of the classic "stranger leaves thier child on your doorstep" thing.  But what happens if the abandoned child is actually from within your own family?  Like, say for exmple, your sister or niece gets knocked up, has the kid, and than lands up taking off?  In that case, yeah I'm sure you're more likley to adopt that abandoned child.

    Also you have to keep in mind that I think most people here on are still in school (from what I have been able to gather) and that makes a difference . I know that if I was to find an abandoned child  tommorow I know I woulnd't adopt it because of where I am right now in my life -- I'm in school, living at home and next year going to college (so I have to save money) and I think I'm personally to young to have to deal with the responisbility of  a small child.  I'm nopt going to wreck my life by getting a full-time job, and risking my dreams so I can support a child that someone had the gall to abandon -- there would be more than enough people out there who would love the chnace to have that child more than I would.

  5. Posted on Mar 28, 2009, 7:12:37 AM UTC
    ID: 24089 | #6
    Level 3

    >I think you're being a little vague here, sorry to say -- there a recertain situations where I'm sure a person would and would not adopt an abandoned baby.


    This. A thousand times this.

    Right now? Hell no. I'm in college, I don't want a kid. Ten years from now, if I've settled down with the boyfriend and everything is in place? Maybe. I mean, if I'm having kids, they're going to be adopted, that's just a fact of life. But my instinct with an abandoned baby would be to take it to a hospital/child services/etc and let them handle it.

  6. Posted on Mar 28, 2009, 2:24:59 PM UTC
    ID: 24091 | #7
    Level 16

    On Mar 28, 2009 12:12 am, insomniac said:

    Ten years from now, if I've settled down with the boyfriend and everything is in place? Maybe. I mean, if I'm having kids, they're going to be adopted, that's just a fact of life.



    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to see adoption as a good option.  Seriously, there's thousands of kids lookign for good homes and they arent adopted by loving people because of this silly primal instinct to further our genes by having our own children -- how archaic.

  7. Posted on Mar 28, 2009, 5:54:27 PM UTC
    ID: 24093 | #8
    Level 7

    If it wasn't for my ecenomic situation(I barely feed myself) than yes - I would. But considering my state of living, I don't think it's best - I would bring the child to the proper authorities, however.

  8. Posted on Mar 31, 2009, 3:57:06 PM UTC
    ID: 24140 | #9
    Level 3

    On Mar 28, 2009 7:24 am, blackwinddragon said:

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to see adoption as a good option.  Seriously, there's thousands of kids lookign for good homes and they arent adopted by loving people because of this silly primal instinct to further our genes by having our own children -- how archaic.


    I was adopted, so I have a bit of a bias towards it. =) Not to mention that it's not like he and I are going to be knocking out kids of our own. (I mean, I guess there's artificial insemination and some gay couples will find a female surrogate or whatever, but doesn't the world have enough kids already?)

  9. Posted on May 4, 2009, 3:35:09 PM UTC
    ID: 24319 | #10
    Level 5

    For this situation to work out, the person who finds the baby has to be someone who wants a kid in the first place and who wants to adopt (or would consider adoption instead of biologically producing). I don't want kids at all, so I wouldn't adopt one just because I found one abandoned. The kid deserves a parent who is ready, willing, and able to be a parent. Clearly, at least one of the biological parents did not fit that description.

    If you do want a kid and one drops into your lap like this, attempts still have to be made (preferably by law enforcement) to find the original parents and figure out what happened. What if one of them kidnapped and dumped the baby, and the other one is a perfectly fit parent? Or what if there was a third-party kidnapper? A lost baby isn't necessarily an unwanted or abandoned one.

    If it turns out that giving the kid back to them is not an option, whatever child services exist in the area will try to find adoptive parents. You wouldn't get bumped to the front of that line just because you were the one who found or rescued the kid -- you'd have to go through the same application and screening process as any other prospective parents, and chances are there's a long waiting list ahead of you. 

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