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Kaeshara #pd4966

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Character data
Date addedApr 15, 2024, 12:37:30 AM
Date last editedApr 15, 2024, 12:37:30 AM
Owner iaelyin
Designer URL

General Information

Full Name: Kaeshara Hazeseed
Nicknames: Kae (anyone), Shara (only people who’s she especially close to)
Age: 102 years old
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Lunar draconic elf (credit to Smarty)
Skin color: Dark brown, multicolor purple/blue scales
Hair color: Midnight black
Eye color: Light green-blue
Height: 7’0” (213 cm)
Occupation: Witch


Physical Description

Kaeshara is a somewhat unassuming woman.
Although she could be considered tall for a humanoid, standing at 7 feet tall, she is fairly short for a draconic elf. She has curves that fill in her large frame well. Although she is not thin, she is far from muscular either.
She has a heart shaped face, widow’s peak, and a fairly wide nose with a bump. There is a white star sapphire on her forehead, and white markings next to it. Her eyes have white crescent pupils. She has pointed ears.
Her hair is long, thick, and curly. Occasionally it is tied up for politeness in religious, ceremonial, or professional contexts. Aside from this, she has no body hair.
Her multicolored scales cover the edges of her face, neck, and some other parts of her body; but they are relatively sparse compared to other draconic elves her age.
She wears flowing robes, tunics, and shawls most often. They cover her entire body and might occasionally obscure her figure, which is what she intends.


Personality Description

Kaeshara is a quiet, melancholic woman. Although she isn’t unkind, she’s far from being outgoing. Those who would like to befriend her should exercise patience and care, because she will push them away should they try to smother her with love. She’s simply not used to it.
She’s extremely touch-phobic, and mindful of her own personal space. In addition, she is incredibly easy to startle. That’s not to say she will never accept physical affection, but it is something that must be worked up to, and only with someone she is close with. 
She observes the religion of her homeland, although she’s not an extreme devotee.
She enjoys being outside in nature, and frequently goes out on small quests to gather magical ingredients she might want to use for her work.
As a member of the Adventurer’s Guild, she is willing to assist others in any way she can. Don’t expect her to stick around afterwards, though.


Brief Biography

Kaeshara was born into a large family as a middle child, which meant her parents weren’t able to give her as much dedicated attention as they might’ve liked. Her family was never the touchy-feely type, even if they did their best to care for everyone’s needs.
As a child, a sickness took away some of her hearing, and as a result she sometimes prefers to use sign language.
Magic is a major component of the society she grew up in, but she has never been particularly gifted. She is considered weak with magic and has a low mana potential compared to the average. To get around this, she uses items with mana imbued in them, or a focus.
Because she is a lunar elf, she has nocturnal sleeping patterns so that she can regain her mana from moonlight.

  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Protector Talisman Ability

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