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Chrysus 'Christos' #pd4691

82 / 100
Character data
Date addedMar 22, 2024, 8:18:39 PM
Date last editedMar 27, 2024, 4:52:39 AM
Owner lonely-cowboy
Designer URL

Original Full Name: Percival M. Hastings

Real Full Name: Christos 'Chrysus' Ambrosine

Character Age: Unknown (Appears physically in mid-20s)

Character Species: Immortal/God

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown (Gold when powers are active)

Skin Tone (Pre-Godhood): White

Post-Godhood: Tanned/Brown

Physique (Pre): Skinny yet limber

Post: Muscular/Tonned


Brief biography: Plauged in greed and worse than most Percival, or to those who actually know him, Christos, he finds himself in current times trying to fit in as best as possible. Though his original birthday is unknown some say it dates back to Ancient Greece. Though it is much different than what it appears to be. Originally the body was inhabited by Lord Percival of Hackney. A rich man driven mad with greed. Having sacrificed his family for wealth and status angered Gods descended upon him and cursed him. Plagued with Golden Touch he was forced to live out the rest of his days in malnourishment and regret. Once death had claimed his soul and his body left vacant our current host made his home within it. The minor God of Gold acquired its physical body but at the cost of keeping the gold touch that once tormented the man before him. Though he has no need to eat or drink the usual splendors of those of a God have been spoiled to him and for that... he is vengeful


Physical Appearance Description: Originally as a young man and Lord of Hackney borough he appeared a standard white man. Skinny yet limber, he could handle himself as a man. Gentle brown eyes and late-night black hair that welcomed even the shyest of women. With stark facial features, it was a miracle that he attracted any woman. Once his body had been removed from his soul and taken over by Christos his appearance was changed to be more... palatable to the God's own design. With dark olive skin and thicker black hair that curls slightly when wet, his body is born in a new light. Taller now and much more toned than before Christos's rendition of Percival's old body is one that anyone could worship. With new chiseled facial features and a rather large nose, he was near irresistible now. The gentle brown eyes remain but once the gold touch is activated his eyes shine warning in that same gold hue. For those who have been fortunate enough to see them up close, some say that the gold in his irises swirls and sparkles like the rivers of Paktolos. 

  • 29
    Ability Points
  • 2
  • Charismatic Talisman Ability

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