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Arcturus #pd4183

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedFeb 12, 2024, 10:47:10 PM
Date last editedFeb 12, 2024, 10:47:10 PM
Owner 2doxes
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Arcturus (Current) / Haemon Eurybia (Pre-Death / Nyx-ification)

Character Age: 22 (Full) / 2 (Post-Awakening)

Character Species: Nyxborn - Human

Character Class: Druid - Circle of the Moon

Hair color: Dark Brown with streaks of glossy black

Eye color: Dark Brown almost black with specks of white


Brief biography: Once the sadistic hunter (more like poacher) Haemon Eurybia from Meletis, in Theros (Part of the d&d Odessy of Theros setting) who was known for hunting wild animals for fun before stripping the most valuable parts of an animal to take home to sell or keep as trophys before desposing of the rest of the meat and remains in a pit that he had dug deep into the forests of Theros. He would use mercyless tactics to hunt down whatever animal that he wished no matter the taboo or restrictions that had been place to prevent the poaching that he so enjoyed. But after one such hunt his luck had finally run out after he killed one of the goddesses Nylea's favorite bears. When he had gone to dump the cast offs into the pit he was suddenly struck down by one of Nylea's devine arrows causing him to plummit into the bloody pit dying a bit more with each foot he fell until he finnaly perished lying atop the same bear and animals that he had previously hunted.

But something interesting happened that day as all the neccessary components for a very special creation were present. The devine power from Nylea's arrow that was made purly from just her devine essence, the body of a skilled and swift hunter that could be used as a container, and the still furious collection of souls that the animals possed which on their own would be weak and not all that impactfull but when all collected into one large group with all feeling the same emotions of Wrath, Fury, Anger, and a blood thirsty need for vengence to create a purpose. these three components were enouch to create a creature not often seen in Theros, a Nyxborn. He crawled out of his once grave now place of re-birth with no memories, no idea of what he was, who he is, or where he came from but one task burned in the back of his mind. For you see, Haemon Eurybia wasnt the only hunter. No there was another the new Nyxborn could barely remember his bright blonde hair and angry sneer but he could remeber his name, Acheron


Description: A tall man at about 6 foot, 3 inches. His visage, framed by locks of dark brown intertwined with glossed obsidian strands So intermingled that one would have trouble finding the diffrence between where the black ends and the dark brown begins. His eyes are deep pools of dark brown, bear within them the constellations' secrets, speckled with hints of celestial light. He has a light tan skin with multiple scars that criscross over his body from blades and arrow wounds.(These scars are actually the same wounds that he gave animals when hunting them) Also when he Wildshapes because he is a druid all of his animal forms are animals that he has previously killed and they have scars where he killed them.

  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability

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