PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Feb 1, 2024, 11:57:29 PM by CryingAxolotl . Player adding portrait to draft.

Sir. Alotl #pd4008

100 / 100
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Date addedFeb 1, 2024, 1:36:42 AM
Date last editedFeb 1, 2024, 11:57:29 PM
Owner CryingAxolotl
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Sir. Alotl (& his mech suit Ax,3,2)

Character Age: 23

Character Species: Sir. Alotl believes he is a "Alotols" (Will deny he is an "Axolotl" if asked.)


Brief biography: Sir. Alotl is someone who lost his memories and now is a travler trying to find out who he is and trying to see if he can get back home with the help of the mech that was with him when he first awoke.

Short story when he first woke up:

Sir. Alotl woke up one day feeling dizzy and confused, having a big headache he tried rubbing his head. His hand is stopped with a thunk by glass, Sir. Alotl is surprised and starts to take in and tries to realize what has happened. He looks around sporadically as he finds himself in a situation he doesn’t remember how he got in, actually he can't seem to remember a lot of anything even his name. This realization only causes him to panic more, Sir. Alotl looks around to find a way out but he seems to be stuck in a small cramped metal room with more glass at the top and in the middle the chair he woke up in.

Sir. Alotl can’t find a way out, giving up that idea he then starts to try taking this Suit he woke up in. Starting with the helmet that began the panic he tries pulling it off, he fails to find a way to take it off and notices the weird tech around his left arm. His first thought in a panic is to try and take it off too before calming but just enough to try and see what it is exactly on his arm.

Seems to be a blank piece of glass with some buttons, Sir. Alotl starts clicking the buttons and nothing happens for a bit. After some time passes he gives up and goes back to the chair feeling scared, confused and defeated, he takes notice of something on the chair, a small piece of paper? It’s a photo, he takes a seat and takes a good look at this photo. He sees what seems to be a house, doesn’t really know why or take notice or remember anything from the picture alone. But he turns the picture around to see a few words and two names.

“Miss you, hurry yourself but be careful and come back home safe”
From So’lotls
To Alotl



A sad feeling goes over Sir. Alotl, unsure of his memories will come back, but feels emotionally attached to this photo somehow. Only a few seconds after reading the photo does the glass on his wrist glow a bright light. It seems to blink a few times before all the buttons also glow for a few seconds, some images and symbols he doesn’t remember show up, the glass on his wrist revealing itself as some kind of screen. Before he can try to investigate what to do about this tech on his arm, a voice comes from what seems like everywhere within the cramped room.

“C-C-C-Co-Coming online, A.X. S-S-S-System checking Diagnostics.
Hello Sir. Alotl, we seem to have e-e-e-ex-ep-experienced some d-d-damage after going through a p-portal.
I seem to have t-taken m-m-ma-major damage to critical systems,
Y-yo-you’lllll have to re-re-repair m-m-me.”

And those are the earliest memories of Sir. Alotl and the beginning of his journey to try to find his memories and find out who he is or was.


Sir. Alotl is one with a small stature of (2f5in) but is still quite noticeable with his Orange Redish Suit. His colored suit covers most of his body except around his head where his head is surrounded by a glass dome. Sir. Alotl himself inside the suit can be seen having pinkish skin with some details around his head from the darker spots of pink to the six appendages on the sides, He is also seen to have a glass lens on his right eye. And if that wasn't enough to be seen, he will also most of the time be inside his Mech A.X. 3.2 who stands at a height of (8f5in). His mech like himself has a glass dome at the top where you'll be able to see him inside. The mech seems to have a more plain outside, with just two muted colors and a body of metal. The paler sturdier looking pieces of metal take up the body waist and hands and joints, while the more gray colored metal pieces seem to take the place of limbs, fingers and the flexible part of the body that connects the waist to the top half of the body. And it does have fingers although they seem like small tubes with the pale metal piece at the end, and there are only 3 on each hand. You'll also see the letters "AX" behind its left shoulder.


  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Advocate Talisman Ability

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