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Alice #pd3217

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Character data
Date addedNov 14, 2023, 7:37:00 PM
Date last editedNov 14, 2023, 7:37:00 PM
Owner CookieQ950
Designer URL

Character Full Name: A.L.I.C.E.-0950

Character Age: Unknown

Character Species: Sentient robot

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Brief biography: ALICE-0950 is one of many robots made by the feathered people in the event of an invasion, ALICE being the model name and 0950 is ALICE’s factory number. The original designer was Haven Wren, a feathered who obsessed over the safety of the feathered. ALICE-0950 was a robot Caroline Crow found by a scrapyard and noticed a defect. Through the span of a month, Caroline repaired Alice while she was still at home with the help of her dad. Alice-0950 no longer resembles other robots of the ALICE line being more humanoid and although normal ALICE would be capable of speech, ALICE-0950 isn’t as one of the factory defects affected her voice box. ALICE-0950 is also capable of thought and has a conscience although it’s rudimentary. ALICE-0950 has chosen the name Alice and has learned sign language to try to communicate with people but as not many people understand it, Caroline often translates for her. Alice accompanies Caroline on her adventures outside the feathered kingdom and works as a helper for Caroline. Caroline sees Alice as more of a friend however and allows Alice to do whatever she wants as long as it isn’t illegal or morally wrong but even when Alice leaves for the day, she comes back to Caroline’s warehouse. Most of Alice’s stories are narrated by her as Caroline looks through Alice’s logs every night (with the permission of Alice of course).

Description: Alice has one red eye on her right and in the place of her left eye, she has black a spray-painted X that has faded with time. Most of her appendages aren't connected almost like they are floating. This phenomenon is seen on each segment of her fingers, her elbows, knees, and neck. Rather than a mouth, she has a painted-on smile. Robots don't have hair but she likes wearing a black wig apparently because she likes looking human. This wig is styled into two small pigtails that rest on her shoulders, tied using two red bows similar to what Caroline often wears. A lot of the metal used on her is mismatched as a younger inexperienced Caroline used scraped parts to repair her. You can see a seam on her face switching from bronze on the left side to a slightly rusted steel on the next. the rest of her body is mostly covered with an oversized gray jacket and the most you will be able to see are her forearms and fingers when used to communicate in sign language (ASL) as she is unable to talk. You can also see most of her legs as the jacket only covers half of her thigh and upward. Alice's sentience is limited but seems to be shy and mostly sticks with Caroline. Due to her limited knowledge of many things, she will also refer to herself in the third person when signing. 

  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Lucky Talisman Ability

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