PaperDemon Art RPG

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Zaso #pd2496

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedSep 5, 2023, 12:05:13 AM
Date last editedSep 12, 2023, 10:42:42 PM
Owner Vexcaliber
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Zasoltisa

Character Age: 100

Character Species: Fiction demon 

Hair color: Purple 

Eye color: red


Brief biography: Zaso started out her life as as a child as one does. though she never really knew her father. So raised by her two moms in Aridin... specifically in a smaller Woven City called Athel... she learned the ins and outs of Horn care out of a desire to do something to help others demons who needed someone to help with the whole horn shedding and caps for chips but the skills also let her work on other species with horns which she enjoyed as it gave her a challenge sometimes. Then the incident happened where a client got hurt while being given horn piercings. specifically a half demon client that she cared for deeply. Unfortunately this client was her soon to be ex girlfriend who tried to pin all the blame on Zaso. Fortunately that didn't happen but some things had to be done to ensure that accidents wouldn't happen again so She turned to something she knew might work. Zaso Started playing with sound and it's ability to effect others specifically the set of tones that allowed people to make demons less hostile and or more willing to obey or accept certain changes to contracts. She spent over a year learning by experimenting on her ex in secret until she had found the tone that let her induce the required obedience into half demons to prevent accidents.


Description: (Required for written works only): Zaso is about 8 feet tall with a thinner hourglass figure more draconic and snake like features from her demonic heritage giving her metallic golden scales a long and thick prehensile tail and two draconic wings with deep red eyes she wears white form fitting Nurse scrubs at work and when she's off work she wears a short indigo dress that stops just above the knee with a pair of black flats and red gloves with golden highlights. Her horns both have multiple piercings she gave herself each with beautiful amethysts and rubies set in gold but not with much design as it's only studs all along her two short but thin and curly horns. During a fancy event though she will wear a much longer purple and gold dress as well as her gloves being a bit longer and more intricate curving patterns in the gold laced through her pricings as she swaps out the metal for metal infused thread that she literally weaves through her horn with rubies and amethysts placed all along the threads of pure gold.

  • 0
    Ability Points
  • 1
  • Lucky Talisman Ability

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