Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

Geothermal Pools

Choo choo!

☀ Forecast

Foggy and Warm

The hot springs here contain more than just magma-heated water – there are millions of different strains of bacteria that make themselves home here, turning the pools iridescent and beautiful. There are also a few active geysers among the geothermal pools. Steam from the pools tends to stay in the air for a while, sometimes obscuring visibility quite a lot. Underground, and not too far from the surface – there is a massive chamber of magma – due to the movement of magma, there are occasional minor earthquakes.

Activity alerts ⚠

Danger level: Yellow
Watch out for erupting geysers!

Potential encounters:

Metapod Sandshrew
Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀
Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂
Nidorina Nidorina
Nidorinp Nidorino
Diglett Diglett
Alolan Diglett Alolan Diglett
Psyduck Psyduck
Golduck Golduck
Geodude Geodude
Alolan Geodude Alolan Geodude
Graveler Graveler
Alolan Graveler Alolan Graveler
Ponyta Ponyta
Rapidash Rapidash
Slowpoke Slowpoke
Galarian Slowpoke Galarian Slowpoke
Slowbro Slowbro
Grimer Grimer
Onix Onix
Cubone Cubone
Marowak Marowak
Koffing Koffing
Weezing Weezing
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
Magmar Magmar
Tauros Tauros
Paldean Tauros (Combat) Paldean Tauros Combat
Paldean Tauros (Blaze) Paldean Tauros Blaze
Paldean Tauros (Aqua) Paldean Tauros Aqua
Omanyte Omanyte
Kabuto Kabuto
Shuckle Shuckle
Bonsly Bonsly
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo
Wooper Wooper
Slugma Slugma
Houndour Houndour
Phanpy Phanpy
Donphan Donphan
Stantler Stantler
Poochyena Poochyena
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Lotad Lotad
Lombre Lombre
Whismur Whismur
Nosepass Nosepass
Gulpin Gulpin
Swalot Swalot
Torkoal Torkoal
Numel Numel
Lunatone Lunatone
Solrock Solrock
Castform Castform
Castform (Sunny) Castform Sunny
Barboach Barboach
Baltoy Baltoy
Wynaut Wynaut
Bagon Bagon
Beldum Beldum
Gible Gible
Croagunk Croagunk
Panpour Panpour
Simipour Simipour
Tympole Tympole
Palpitoad Palpitoad
Bouffalant Bouffalant
Heatmor Heatmor
Binacle Binacle
Rockruff Rockruff
Mudbray Mudbray
Chewtle Chewtle
Rolycoly Rolycoly
Carkol Carkol
Sizzlipede Sizzlipede
Clobbopus Clobbopus
Klawf Klawf
Wiglett Wiglett
Nacli Nacli
Naclstack Naclstack
Flamigo Flamigo

Thanks to PokemonDB for providing and hosting these images!

Welcome to the dungeon! Show your mettle against mystery by creating something with your pokemon in a certain environment, with unique optional plot hooks on every visit!

To get started, be sure you have a boarding pass for this dungeon – if you don’t have one, be sure to grab one, as the number and party leader pokemon bound to it are required during submission!

When submitting your work, be sure that it follows the minimum requirements of…
A shaded fullbody and simple background for 2D artwork
1000 words for narrative writing
2.5 standard-format pages for screenplay/script
6 verses for poetry
A posed model interacting with the environment or another pokemon for 3D artwork

For all mediums, the submission itself should include the pokemon interacting with the dungeon’s environment, or the scenarios detailed in the ticket. The party leader pokemon must be present in the submission, but does not have to be the focus.

When you’re finished, submit your piece to PaperDemon and then submit your entry below!

Leave the EXP points blank for the characters you’re including – and for courtesy towards the queue review staff, paste and fill out the applicable form in the request details text box!


  • Recruit roll based off of your ticket
  • 5 random items from the dungeon’s loot pool
  • 100 additional poke