Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Post 33929 - Snini9 [user16943]

  1. Posted on Apr 1, 2021, 6:39:32 PM UTC
    ID: 33929

    1/2 April breedings

    1.) Female - Common Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Slate with Merle Emerald Ray Torched Spotted Singed Traced Soot Seal Point Pangare and Frosted
    Mutations - Horns, Vented, Dead Eye

    2.) Female - Spined Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Slate with Ray Hourglass Unders Spotted Bleach Traced Soot and Seal Point
    Mutations - Horns

    3.) Female - Spined Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Slate with Splash Ray Unders Torched Spotted Singed Bleach Barring Seal Point Pangare and Frosted
    Mutations - Horns, Kraken

    4.) Male - Spined Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Slate with Sapphire Hourglass Unders Torched Soot Seal Point Pangare and Frosted
    Mutations - Angler

    Mutation Potion Used [Companion]

    Max Clutch from Status Bonus
    x1 Common Marking Roll from Status