Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Cleoziep [User17257]

  1. Posted on Apr 1, 2021, 5:30:46 PM UTC
    ID: 33914 | #11
    Level 13

    April breeding

    1.) Female - Spined Fluke Singer
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Red Sand with Ruby Merle Collar Clownfish and Pangare
    Mutations - Dead Eye

    2.) Female - Common Giant Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Red Sand with Clownfish and Sable
    Mutations - Vented

    3.) Female - Spined Polar Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Mud with Ruby Piebald Clownfish Blanket and Sable
    Mutations - Manta

    4.) Female - Frilled Polar Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Limestone with Boa Hood Clownfish Collar Pangare and Frosted
    Mutations - Angler

    5.) Female - Common Pygmy Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Peat with Marble Ray Clownfish and Seal Point

    Royal Body Override active from Status - Sire
    Max Clutch from Status Bonus
    1 Egg added from Status
    x1 Common Marking Roll from Status
    x1 Uncommon Marking Roll from Status
    x1 Rare Marking Roll from Status

  2. Posted on Apr 21, 2021, 4:16:09 PM UTC
    ID: 34178 | #12
    Level 13

    2/2 april breedings

    Salini was entranced by the interesting colors of Pirscher, he also didn't seem to talk too much she really enjoyed

    1.) Female - Common Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Gley Soil with Scaled Splash Ray Torched Tipped Singed Shaded Traced and Pangare
    Mutations - Horns, Sabre, Angler, Manta

    2.) Male - Common Phin Singer Aqrion
    Drifting Isles - Healthy
    Soil with Topaz Scaled Torched Traced and Pangare
    Mutations - Horns

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