Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

Halcyon [user17183]

  1. Posted on Dec 27, 2020, 11:50:59 AM UTC
    ID: 31809 | #1
    Level 13

    Player Log: Halcyon Halcyon

    Only Dragons of Aquella admins are allowed to comment on these Player Logs.

    These Player Logs serve as records to keep track of requests and admin replies.



    PD Account: https://www.paperdemon.com/app/u/Halcyon

    PD ID: [user17183]

    DA Account: https://www.deviantart.com/hawkshadow743

  2. Posted on Dec 31, 2020, 1:00:23 PM UTC
    ID: 31892 | #2
    Level 13


    Starter breeding


    They both meet for the mating season and just seemed to click right away

    1.) Male - Common Giant Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Chalk Koi Rosette Ink Citrine Bubbles Spotted Soot Sable
    Mutations - Extra Limb

    2.) Female - Common Giant Aqrion
    Kelp Forest - Healthy
    Soil VITILIGO Rosette Merle Ink Faded Bubbles Spotted Sable
    Mutations - Horns

  3. Posted on May 2, 2021, 10:30:22 AM UTC
    ID: 34325 | #4
    Level 13

    Starter Box has been claimed!

    Items in the Box:

    x1 Mystery Egg [Copper]
    x1 Turtle Wisp

    x10 Bait Fish
    x2 Large Fish
    x1 Rare Fish

    x50 Seagrass
    x1 Lobster
    x2 Jellyfish

    x2 Driftwood
    x1 Ink
    x1 Obsidian
    x1 Quartz
    x1 Ruby
    x5 Sand
    x2 Tiger Eye

    x2 Glass Vial
    x10 Pigments
    x5 Leather
    x5 Iron Bar
    x1 Copper Bar

    x100 Pearls
    x1 Gold Conch

  4. Posted on May 2, 2021, 12:31:55 PM UTC
    ID: 34336 | #5
    Level 13

    1/2 April Breedings

    These two traveled in the same pod for quite a while, it took them both some time to grow accustomed to their feelings and to actually make a move on the other, a lovely pairing nonetheless

    1.) Male - Horned Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Sand with Ruby Hourglass Dilute Seal Point Sable and Pangare
    Mutations - Vented

    2.) Female - Frilled Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Red Sand with Dilute Unders Seal Point Pangare and Frosted
    Mutations - Seer

    3.) Male - Common Phin Singer Aqrion
    Sunken Spires - Healthy
    Soil CHROMATIC with Streaks Ruby Splash Dilute Unders Seal Point Sable Pangare and Frosted

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