Dragons of Aquella

Open group | 168 Members

RehARPG [user16844]

  1. Posted on Dec 21, 2020, 4:27:03 PM UTC
    ID: 31684 | #51
    Level 13

    Trellia has surpassed Collosal rank 5 and reached Titan rank 1!

    She can now gain the following things:

    Second Element (can choose a second element)
    Titan Banner (aqrion bound)
    Body Mutation (any rarity, not breedable, account bound)
    Uncommon Marking (aqrion bound)
    She also brought home the following items:

    x1.000 Pearls  [Colossal rank 5]
    x2.000 Pearls  [Titan rank 1]
    x1 Gold Conch [Titan rank 1]
  2. Posted on Dec 23, 2020, 11:37:01 PM UTC
    ID: 31725 | #53
    Level 13


    reh has crafted x2 max clutch potion!

    Trellia managed to create to split the ingredients to create x2 max clutch potion!

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