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  1. Posted on Apr 10, 2021, 11:46:51 PM UTC
    ID: 34068 | #191
    Level 28

    Link to Stryx: CloudChaser 12648

    Info to Change:

    Personality: Stuck-up and full of herself. CloudChaser, for the better half of her life, truly believed she was a god's gift to the world, and everyone around her fell under this false thought. She was treated highly, which did not go unnoticed by her adoptive sibling, Athena. As much as Athena loved CloudChaser, she couldn't help but feel jealous every time she was near. Despite the two's similarities, they eventually grew apart.

    This small, safe veil CloudChaser had created for herself was crushed after news of a devastating power coming into existence, forcing the city she was raised in to begin training their Stryx to fight back. She was having none of it, escaping one night and making off in whatever direction she picked first. Once Athena learned of her antics, she wasn't far behind. She just wanted to know that her sister was alright, knowing full well CloudChaser had no idea of what the world outside was truly like.

    CloudChaser, after discovering her own tragic truth, grew bitter towards the world. It would be hard to find a new life with any resemblance to her previous one, not with a new war going on. Her only hope was Athena, the one who found them a place to stay until they were able to put things back together, despite the previously growing rift between them. Here, the two joined the other inhabitants in preparations and training, albeit with much struggle from CloudChaser. They would continue to work at picking up the pieces of their broken bond, doing their best to pull everything together in the end.

    Admin Note: processed Weavile 4/11

    Last edited by Weavile on Apr 11, 2021, 7:50:16 PM UTC. 3 total edits.

  2. Posted on Apr 11, 2021, 5:01:41 AM UTC
    ID: 34078 | #198
    Level 14

    Last edited by Weavile on Apr 11, 2021, 8:47:02 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

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