Finding Herself

Posted Jun 17, 2024, 2:16:10 AM UTC

Prompt #121: Athena never knew about the LGBTQ community until she joined the angelic army. A couple of her friends were part of the community and introduced her to the vast world of love and self-acceptance. It took her a long while to find herself 100%, but she knew that she didn't fit into a specific category. However, Athena identifies herself as mainly abrosexual/sexual fluidity (sexual orientation is not fixed/defined), but she can be graysexual (experience sexual attraction rarely/not intensely), demisexual (only feel sexual attraction towards someone who they have a strong emotional bond), & biromantic (romantic attraction to both men and women).

Author's note: I had so much fun doing research and exploring with Athena's sexuality. I realized how complex she is and didn't really fit in with the typical categories of the LGBTQ community, so I tried my best to do some accurate research. I'm sorry if this is wrong! I'm still pretty new to the community. ☺️

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Athena PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2383
142 total points
5 approved points



  • The Fires of Rebirth
  • Athena the Gladiator
  • Weirdest Crossover
  • Athena the Rock Greenling Mermaid
  • Athena's Flowers
  • Wild Adventure towards Relaxation
  • Athena- the Sin of Envy
  • Athena- the Virtue of Patience
  • Athena's Candyland Gala Dress


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