Hall of dreams

Posted Jun 4, 2024, 1:27:50 PM UTC

Prompt #2 - Fires of Rebirth 

This time of year, the people celebrate the land turning green again after a long dry spell. They cut large swaths of dead grass to dry and build things out of, including celebratory clothes, many tools, and large, ornate sculptures that can be seen across the widespread plains from a distance, giving the normally flat and featureless land a trail of artistry. Common statues include Muxunac, depictions of dreams, and even self-portraits for those who wish to change something about themselves in the coming year. 

Over the course of the celebration, they set a portion of the cut, dead grass aside to dry until the very last night, where they use it to make a large bonfire. 

You watch in mixed fascination and concern as the fire begins to grow, the blaze leaping beyond the fire pit and spreading. But, as you watch, it seems to be eating up the dry, dead grass, and leaving the tender green shoots. It even passes over the Walking Hills without destroying them. The only place that the people seem to worry about is the herd, who they surround from a distance with massive jars of water that you’d seen them take several days of celebration to painstakingly collect. Show your character during the Fires of Rebirth. Your piece must include your character observing or partaking in the celebration either up close, or watching the spectacle from a distance. 


A romantic notion, a self portrait of things to come. Portraits hung up on the walls from all ages. Some drew of love, some of family, some of happiness. Each small dream scrawled onto a sheet for all to see.

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  • Jun 15, 2024, 7:46:28 PM UTC
    Your art style is so stunning, I just adore your use of color and shape language. Egon's subtle expression of longing as his blue silhouette stands out against the wall of colorful artwork makes me think he feels he's been left behind as the festival embraces change- only to be perfectly framed in with everyone! ^^
  • Jun 15, 2024, 2:09:50 PM UTC
    This looks so good! I adore the colors you chose, the background is so warm and really makes Egon pop! And the way there's a frame behind his head, making him part of the gallery is so good! Amazing work!



Egon Schiele PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd5087
51 total points
7 approved points



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