Time to Mönch

Posted Jun 2, 2024, 4:41:25 AM UTC

Deep in the caves, the team was carefully exploring, despite having taken a potion to see clearer inside, there was still much that could trip them over, they could bump into, or else. Ragnir carefully glanced around, looking at a particularly interesting mushroom, with a starry pattern on it, it looked cute! Almost edible, he glanced at it up close. "I'm quite sure I've read about these in a book about Faedin..." He mused to himself.

After a moment... Bingo! "Ah! They seem to be quite common mushrooms in this area, highly poisonous too."

As Ragnir mentioned that, Eklobeus looked around, noticing that Puck too had taken interest on the mushroom, deciding to go with the consumption approach towards it.

Eklobeus immediately rushed to the small one. "Wait--!" He shouted, hoping to stop Puck in time, not knowing that eating said mushroom would do nothing to him. 


Puck do a mönch

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Puck PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3977
144 total points
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Eklobeus PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4465
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Ragnir PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4478
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  • A Thoughtful gift, a Crimson Omen
  • Hold gentle like hamburger
  • Faucheuse
  • Hands Off
  • Games are fascinating!
  • Palette
  • Deep Sea
  • Breather
  • daydreaming


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