CD 101: J.A.A.K. and Gabriel Imeson

Posted Jan 23, 2024, 11:30:11 PM UTC

#101 Depict your character experiencing their favorite weather. Alternatively, depict your character experiencing their least favorite weather.

J.A.A.K.'s favorite weather is post-rain sun! Gabriel doesn't mind it, either! It makes everything look so clean, and smell nice, too!

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Gabriel Imeson PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd437
188 total points
5 approved points
J.A.A.K. PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1080
158 total points
5 approved points



  • Laguna: Aimee, Shingen, Grin
  • Ayelen: Alternate Forms
  • Trash Monster: Keys, Sigrid, Zahara
  • Trash Monster: Aras, Marvo, Sigrid
  • Trash Monster: Kyy, Sigrid, Tanith
  • Wouagi, World of Rainbow Pools: Ayelen
  • Slime Battle: Ayelen
  • Talisman: Ayelen
  • Yuteng the Derpshen


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