Talisman: Ayelen

Posted Mar 3, 2024, 1:18:05 AM UTC

#95 Draw or write about a talisman for your character. It can be something that is sentimental, magical, or in some way meaningful to your character. It's not required, but many adventurers who journey to these different worlds keep their Portal badges on their talisman as a way to showcase all of the places they've journeyed to.

Having lost a tooth many years ago, she was given a new one by the only human Ayelen ever liked. The blind, elderly widow crafted it out of amethyst, and very kindly implanted it in her jaw, where the nguruvilu could not do it for herself. The fox-snake then lived in that portion of the river near the woman's hut until she died, providing the lady with companionship, and protection. 

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  • Mar 4, 2024, 4:43:24 AM UTC
    And it still fits the colour scheme! I love this. Well drawn, and a beautifully original idea.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 6:58:44 PM UTC
    That's a unique idea! I like it!
  • Mar 3, 2024, 5:46:10 AM UTC
    Fascinating dental work.



Ayelen PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4395
22 total points
5 approved points



  • Laguna: Aimee, Shingen, Grin
  • Ayelen: Alternate Forms
  • Trash Monster: Keys, Sigrid, Zahara
  • Trash Monster: Aras, Marvo, Sigrid
  • Trash Monster: Kyy, Sigrid, Tanith
  • Wouagi, World of Rainbow Pools: Ayelen
  • Slime Battle: Ayelen
  • Yuteng the Derpshen
  • Wouagi, World of Rainbow Swamps: Gabi Hardie and Bleu Theta


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