CD 100: Sigrid Schenk and Kamau Keita

Posted Jan 18, 2024, 9:55:07 PM UTC

#100 Draw your character as part of a romance novel cover. What would the novel be called? What is the era? Would it be swoony, or adventurous? If you are a writer, write the synopsis with your character as the protagonist.

A soft romance between two wanderers... Both trying to make their ways in the world. Is this sustainable? Can they overcome the cultural and social difference from miles apart in such close proximity?

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Kamau Keita PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1726
54 total points
5 approved points
Sigrid Schenk PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd943
157 total points
5 approved points



  • Laguna: Aimee, Shingen, Grin
  • Ayelen: Alternate Forms
  • Trash Monster: Keys, Sigrid, Zahara
  • Trash Monster: Aras, Marvo, Sigrid
  • Trash Monster: Kyy, Sigrid, Tanith
  • Wouagi, World of Rainbow Pools: Ayelen
  • Slime Battle: Ayelen
  • Talisman: Ayelen
  • Yuteng the Derpshen


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