Get the blood, Victor, GET THE BLOOD-!

Posted Dec 26, 2023, 3:40:33 PM UTC

Prompt 8: The eldritch working! You remember it from your studies. It was supposed to banish the Godspawn to the Unseen Dimension of its inhuman parent, but it requires three trappings. These are essential material components. The first is the Godspawn’s blood. Write about or draw your character acquiring this component, presumably in battle!


Hold on... Wasn't there something in one of those many books that mentioned a ritual?  Maybe that could work against this creature?  Little Dead Hood can't even start without the Godspawn's blood, so she starts attacking, swiping very deliberately while Victor, a fellow traveller she escaped the well with,  returns with a suitable container for said blood.  He's apparently quite good at catching flying blood!

(Thank you Smarty for letting me borrow Victor once again!)

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