Eep! What's that?

Posted Nov 21, 2023, 9:06:16 PM UTC

Prompt #3 - Eeps

Eeps are lightly sticky, thick furred puffballs with massive compound eyes. They float on gentle breezes and attach themselves to any moving thing they can find in order to travel to the next garden to eat. They’re considered nuisances in the wild, but beloved pets when domesticated. Rumor has it that Eeps were named for the noise you make when you discover that one has attached itself to you and has been hitching a ride for who knows how long. Eeps are typically fist sized when fully grown, but as hatchlings they can be as small as a pea. Eeps do not have legs and instead move by using flexible, urchin-like tube feet. Most Eeps are white, but their coats take natural dyes excellently and without health concerns, so in domestic settings they frequently feature vibrantly colored fur. Show your character encountering an Eep. Your piece must include your character and an Eep.

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  • Dec 29, 2023, 6:57:03 PM UTC
    Oh my gosh!! This art is adorable and warms my heart! XD ❤️🧡💛
  • Nov 22, 2023, 3:54:25 AM UTC
    Oh no they're adorable! I love this interpretation of what eeps might look like!
    • Nov 22, 2023, 1:20:29 PM UTC
      Thank you >.< i love the eep design sm they are just lil Fluffy noodles Bounce
  • Nov 21, 2023, 9:32:26 PM UTC
    omg soooo cute!! I lovveeeeee thissss!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



Amuki PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2811
29 total points
7 approved points



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  • A World of Stars {AMUKI}
  • First battle! Amuki v slime!
  • Amuki's talisman


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