
Posted Nov 19, 2023, 2:42:13 AM UTC

90 Show your character doing mundane housework. Everyone needs a cleaning/chore day. How do they feel about doing it? What do they do to make the job go faster?

K80 loved when Dr. Toma gave him a construct body. He finds he really like helping clean Dr. Toma's work spaces and Dr. Toma really appreciates that K80 comes out of the computer to help him when there are pleanty of other things K80 could go do. 

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K80 PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3367
171 total points
5 approved points



  • Statues in the Maze
  • Bodi's Manicure
  • Ruby's hair day
  • Fire Gladiator
  • Valrie's turn at the hairdresser
  • Zeke's New Mentor
  • Paperdemon Trap
  • Keys scar chart
  • Sometimes rooms aren't big enough


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