Calum's Talisman

Posted May 25, 2023, 2:03:06 AM UTC

Sir Calum's trusty sword and scabbard! She carries it around with her everywhere and it's been with her since she was given humanoid form. The good luck charms, beads, bracelets, necklaces on the grip are from a variety of people she's met and helped (and courted, despite her devotion to her lady she finds and moves on from loves openly, easily, and frequently. She always ends up focused on getting back to her lady, though.) and the leather was dyed and decorated by the only blacksmith she trusts to treat the blade. 

She was holding the blade when she emerged, and is convinced that it is a vessel containing her wish. She's very precious with it, but still uses it to fight. She's an excellent swordsman and uses a small dagger as her offhand weapon. 

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Sir Calum PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1098
14 total points
7 approved points



  • Philomene and Peonies
  • Lyra Portal- Starsong Mountains
  • Reprimand
  • Cal Ref(old)
  • Pride Event
  • Celeste's quiet night in
  • Sir Calum's latent element- Flame Ardor
  • #47- favorite drinks
  • Sir Calum


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