Chevy Wagner

Posted Mar 30, 2023, 6:33:47 PM UTC

Character Name: Chevy Wagner

Character Age: Eighteen

Character Species: Human 

Hair color: Dark Brown to Dirty Blonde (Photobleaching)

Eye color: Honey Brown

Abilities: Observative, Patient, 

Strength: 4/10

Agility: 4/10

Speed: 4/10

Tactics: 7/10

Magic: ?/10

Skill: 5/10

Uncomfortable Subject Matter: None at this time. May be updated.

Bio: Born to his single mother, Veronica Wagner, Chevy grew up in the Once-Dead Hotel, surrounded by characters of all kinds, but restricted in his interactions with them. His mother believed they were a bad influence and didn't want him falling in with the wrong crowd. Homeschooled and pretty isolated, his best friend was Zeke, a massive wolfhound that his father sent him when he was very small. The two went everywhere together and, when he eventually died - as mundane animals tend to do - Chevy's ability to socialize crumbled. 

He's been awkwardly making his way in the world ever since, recently starting University at Veronica's insistence. After all, she never got the chance, and she wanted to make sure he had a better life... a life beyond some screwed up old hotel. 

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