Ghost-eye incinerates

Posted Mar 23, 2023, 3:15:12 AM UTC

Several hours passed. Finley and Ghost-eye seperated after... an occasion, but that isn't important right now. What's important... is that Ghost-eye could feel it He needed to shed... and Phyrra's wish had come into being. Her want of courage. Her reward was obvious! She wanted to watch the world burn. Of course, Ghost-eye couldn't allow this wish in a full-fledged way, but he felt the fire at his fingertips increase. She was burning the air itself around them at such a rate that the oxygen was being sucked out of Ghost-eye's lungs. He couldn't breathe in any new air, so he held it in. His lung capacity had long-since been halved, but thirty minutes would be plenty of time for Phyrra to have her fun.

His scales turned white. Not from any sort of transformation, rather the old layer of skin was burning but it also was a part of him. Living coals that extended the heat radius from his body. Bug after bug incinerated themselves trying to escape.

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Ghost-Eye PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd889
109 total points
5 approved points



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