[BOSS] Chaos Form

Posted Mar 20, 2023, 9:01:16 PM UTC
  1. Draw or write about your character fighting the boss! i keep doing this one prompt lol

Finley can transform himself into water. Water and fire create chaos. And when channelling true destructive energy, there is no-one who fits more than the dreaded Ghost-Eye. In an attempt to destroy the bugs swarming the city, the two merged their powers. What resulted was... something painful. A crackling destructive force rippled through Finley's form, and a grin grew on the old croc's mouth as the slug involuntarily caused destruction around him.

It was effective, it was powerful.... and in many ways, it was terrifying.

Finley doesn't want to do this again.

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  • Mar 23, 2023, 3:17:59 AM UTC
    I love the way the two of them look here! The way Finley and Ghost-eye blend into a bit of an intoxicating-mist!

    The great smile on Ghost-eye's face!

    This is perfect! Big Smile
    • Mar 23, 2023, 8:00:16 PM UTC
      Ghost-Eye is terrible and I LOVE him for it. After this, Finn's definitely going to be avoiding him at all costs! He's terrifying and can DEFINITELY assert his will over my poor boy to get what he wants!

      Glad you like it! <3
  • Mar 20, 2023, 9:02:57 PM UTC
    OHHHHHH gosh the colors here are so impactful!! There is such a big sense of danger with this one!! I love this!!
    • Mar 23, 2023, 7:58:57 PM UTC
      There is PLENTY of danger here! Please run!!!!
      And thankyou so much! <3
      • Mar 23, 2023, 11:56:00 PM UTC
        But it's Pretty Danger, I'll just stare a little longer haha

        Of course!!



Ghost-Eye PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd889
109 total points
7 approved points



  • [#67] Cosplay
  • [BOSS] Fast Food Fashion
  • [#65] Deadly Sin
  • [#66] Opposite Gender
  • [BOSS] Chaos Shield!
  • [#61] Genre: Horror
  • [Festival] Good Haul
  • [Festival] Homemade
  • [Festival] Ghostly Hands


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