A Vintage Matchbox

Posted Dec 31, 2022, 3:01:49 PM UTC

Thalia ate all the original matches in this box a long time ago.


The cover of this old matchbox reads "Firebug® Red Phosphorus Matches". The center of the slightly ashy matchbox label depicts a literal firebug... on fire. This box looks like it was made in the early 20th century, which explains its grainy, weathered look. A fine layer of ash has seemingly fused with the paper label, giving it a dusty tint.


One may wonder, what would a phoenix, a creature practically made of fire, need to do with a box of matches? Why would Thalia need to strike a match anyway, when unleashing the heat of a blazing inferno from the feathers of her flaming wings is a viable option? Well, the answer simply lies in a difference of use. A box of matches may be handy for someone normal to start a fire with... but to a phoenix, matches are a fun snack. She bought a pack of them over a hundred years ago and forgot to throw it away once it was finished, so she began to use it to stash random small things in it. As the years went by, the object's sentimental value grew, and it became a tiny but portable repository for safekeeping.

Cash, shiny objects, notes, and more can be carried around inside. Sometimes she even refills it with new matches... to consume.

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  • Jan 1, 2023, 7:14:49 AM UTC
    That is so cute! A love that she stores her shinies in it.
    • Jan 1, 2023, 7:53:33 AM UTC
      Thank you! I plan to have her store badges in there as well (if she earns any haha)
      Happy New Year's!
  • Dec 31, 2022, 5:30:38 PM UTC
    I love the logo design!
    • Dec 31, 2022, 6:28:38 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Dec 31, 2022 by CyberBlue
      Thank you! It's a little bit of a play on words; "firebug" is also slang for "arsonist" Big Smile
      Not that Thalia's an arsonist or anything! I just tried to think of something clever haha