Class Swap

Posted Sep 26, 2022, 11:03:57 PM UTC

#31. Crossing a thousand universes sometimes brings you face to face with things you’d never expect. Your character has met an alternate version of themselves! Show them with their alternate and how they would react.


"So, you've come to this universe because you're a multi-dimensional traveller, and you take up odd jobs in search of adventure to fulfill some emotional purpose in your life, and for each unique place you visit you put a charm on your... what was the sword's name again?"


"Aetherius, right, right! And so, you're just like me, except you're a self-taught magic user who primarily uses martial weapons to fight, supplementing your combat with magic..."

"And you went to a prestigious academy for the arcane arts.."

"Fascinating! I hope to learn from you how to travel dimensions as well. The opportunities to learn would be endless!"

"Well, based on the fact that the heaviest thing you can carry is a satchel with half a dozen books in it, you'd better bring well-armed company."


I missed out doing this prompt originally but once I had a good idea this wouldn't leave.

A simple class swap from Arcane Knight, to Wizard! He's wearing a big hat and glasses to show that he's a nerd.

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  • Sep 27, 2022, 12:23:57 AM UTC
    So cute loving the hat on his wizard self Innocent such a fun idea for the prompt Big Smile
    • Sep 27, 2022, 3:00:45 AM UTC
      An absolutely adorable little nerd, 10/10 would squish cheeks again
      I always love class swap things for DND and this was just so fitting considering Galaxii’s basically an Eldritch Knight, which is just a Fighter with access to Wizard spells, lol
      • Sep 27, 2022, 3:49:54 AM UTC
        I wanna squish his cheeks too ^u^
        I love those sorts of things too it's always fun seeing how the characters reacts and Galaxii is the best Eldritch Knight ever seen Giggle





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