Metal's First Dance! (Collab)

Posted Sep 19, 2022, 4:09:47 AM UTC

Prompt #1 - The Guests


Collab with Neap0litan Neap0litan , was mostly their wonderful idea and they did so much on this so happy to have worked with them! ^u^


Prim received a VIP invitation to the Summer's Ball, and upon showing Carm, discovered that their pink pal wasn't! Primrose, being the lil wholesome genius they are, decided that maybe they could bend the rules a little... So Prim decided to help Carm crash the party! I mean, Metalhead is technically a single guest... I don't think the bouncer will ask any questions. 

Metal makes a reappearence from their beautiful last comic Neapolitan did! This time as a fusion and not a sentinel, so that's why they're coloured now =w=


I desided to make one of the guests in the lineup Prim's old design :D Meanwhile Neapolitan created two brand new characters I just adore! On the lineup panel, we have Eruza on the far left and Sir William II on the far right ^u^


This took for ever and so happy its finally done! TwT We where being to wonder if something had cursed us near the end with all the trouble that came to us XD 
[Sorry for also distroying the front page ^^;]

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