Melon's talisman (also doubles as a weapon)

Posted Sep 12, 2022, 10:46:38 PM UTC

This is a hand-carved staff given to Melon by Terra, who is the current captain of Rivero Village. (idk if there's a place in any RP here called that, but the Rivero Village I am referring to is NOT anything already existing outside of my personal RPs. If I need to change the name of the village, I request that a moderator tells me and I will work out a new name for it) Melon has had this staff for around a year, and usually uses it to help her cast spells easier, and sometimes as a melee weapon for bonking people who annoy her. She has a purple ribbon tied onto it, which she will attach her badges to once she gets some. The vines on the staff are also able to grow any type of flower she wants within the span of a few seconds, which she can use if she needs to create a light source quickly or if she needs any sort of poisionous or healing flowers to aid her in battle. Melon has been friends with Terra and most of the others living at Rivero Village for quite a while, and was taught how to use magic by Terra. The staff is a tall, hand-carved (or rather paw-carved) piece of dark oak wood with a long green vine wrapped around it, as well as a glowing green orb mounted on top, which provides the magic energy needed to use spells. She is extremely emotionally attached to the staff, since it was given to her by her first, and best friend, and she always keeps it with her, both to remind her of Terra, and as a means of self-defense.

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Melon PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd609
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