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Character Name: Hallow

Character Age: 26,000,000 (26 in human years)

Character Species: Spirit manifestation (Usually looks like an anthro fox)

Hair color: Unknown

Eye color: Unknown


Hallow is a very reclusive and mysterious manifestation of spirit/soul magic, who usually appears as a fox with a pumpkin for its head. They rarely interact with living beings, and usually stay within worlds with little to no living inhabitants. They are also extremely good at all types of magic, but mainly use earth and fire magic. They can shapeshift, and the appearance of their true form is unknown. Hallow has also been the cause of death for several entire civilizations and species, and they absolutely hate humans and domestic dogs, even going so far as to torment some of them after they die. They also have a strange ability to either kill or revive anything they touch, however, anyone revived by them can be completely and fully controlled by them if Hallow manages to gain enough trust from them. They also are able to very easily psychologically manipulate others, and are extremely smart, and can traverse between different worlds and universes by summoning portals as long as they have enough magic energy stored in their core. They can also summon and control any ghosts or revived people they have gained the trust of, and often use them in battle to protect themselves while heavily outnumbering and overwhelming opponents both with constant attacks and mental bombardments from Hallow viewing their memories and using them to mentally abuse their opponents. And while Hallow is extremely powerful in regards to their magic and powers, they fall quite short when it comes to defense, since their core is very fragile and they rarely dodge attacks, instead preferring to make others take hits for them. They also refer to themself as "Queen Hallow", despite not actually being a queen of anything, just because they have such powerful control over ghosts and spirits. Hallow was originally created by an extremely powerful sorceress named Saruki, however, Hallow killed her soon after being created and even wears a crystal ring which contains the soul of their creator.

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