Dilemma Original Design

Posted Jul 5, 2008, 6:05:08 PM UTC

Amaryllis Edwards - AKA, Dilemma - in the actual costume-design I thought up for her, seen here brandishing a lovely little invention of hers: her darling tonfa-guns. The function implied by the latter half of the name is used only sparingly, as she is fully aware of the lasting effects of a gunshot wound, and actually isn't all that fond of senseless bloodshed; or, at least, what she'd categorize as 'senseless bloodshed'.

The following is as quick of a summary of Emma's background story as I can muster up at the moment, some details omitted for the sake of both the writer and reader's attention spans:


Amaryllis Edwards was said to be a fine, promising young woman in the field of invention – that is, until, she made a move apparently worthy of its own newspaper-headline: a patricide attempt (note: this was not unwarranted, though I don't feel like explaining at the moment - on top of that, Amaryllis was both drunk and experiencing a rush of anger, which can be credited in part to her minor bipolar disorder). Key word being ‘attempt’, as it had failed miserably when the weapon of murder slipped from her grasp in such a way that … well, let’s just say that it left her unconscious fairly soon after. This, of course, lead to a trial in court; which, in turn, left her on the verge of a ruined future set in prison to match her already spoiled reputation. In a stroke of ‘genius’, her lawyer suggested that to avoid either charges of life in prison or a hefty fine that she would never be able to pay, they pull the ol’ insanity plea – a case in which, if she could play the part convincingly enough, would lead to the ability to be ‘cured’ out of punishment. Seeing no worthwhile alternative, Amaryllis consented to the lawman’s ruse.

 Running on the diagnosis of a mild bipolar disorder that was never properly addressed or treated by her parent/guardian (or even herself once she was of age), as indicated in the woman’s past records, she managed to fake her way into the walls of Arkham Asylum - and that was where things changed for her forever. Sparked by a chance encounter with Edward Nygma during her stay in the asylum, she found herself enthralled by perhaps one of the few males she had ever found intellectually superior on a cognitive plane which fascinated her to no end. An unhelpful benefactor to the situation was her light enthrallment with the Riddler – and his unique modius operandi – prior to all of this seeming madness that had suddenly overrun her life.

 Ironically, true instability of the mind didn't overtake Amaryllis until her having been 'cured' and released from Arkham. It was only after that point that the emergence of Dilemma occurred, an alter-ego all her own. The details in between are relatively foggy, plus I don't feel like writing those out, either.


Despite her first criminal act, Emma approaches things in a fairly calm, clear-headed manner, preferring to look things over from all sides. She can, in fact, become quite vicious - but primarily when provoked. Her minor bipolar disorder does play into such events on occasion, as luck would have it.  Though she is on nearly the same level as Edward Nygma intellectually, she doesn't flaunt it in the slightest (or feel any particular compulsion to). Nonetheless, when her inventive and cognitive prowess is needed, she doesn't hesitate to lend it.

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