Strategy: Soup and Planning

Published Jun 13, 2024, 9:53:03 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 13, 2024, 9:53:03 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Kevalin, Noxin, Romeo, and Area run a restaurant for the festival :)


Not my best work but it's mostly a ruft draft for the comic I wish to make once I'm not so busy ^^'

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Chapter 2: Soup and Planning

Nox had tried an assortment of teas over the years, it’s actually how they had met Keva, through one of the floating tea shops run by the Root Chompers who lived on the coasts. However something about this specific blend pulled at something in Nox. The root tasted different as a tea than a steamed root from the thermal pools their grandmother used to live beside before her passing. Noxin’s grandmother had always been fond of Terran foods, and she often talked about how the root chompers would put various vegetables into a bowl and add water….

The abyssal swishes up to Aria, quietly waiting for the pink root chomper to be done addressing the land living customers. “The terran have a dish, with vegetables and roots in a bowl of water, yes?” Noxin inquires the female, looking towards the sea thoughtfully, an idea sparking. The abyssal was a genius of sorts with flavors, and had become the pods unofficial cook, with Gull and Mollab helping out when they could. Keva and Tusk were in charge of gathering and hunting, and together they all made a fairly good team.

“Yes, it's called soup.” Aria answered, “And its not water, its broth. It’s very similar to tea, but its made out of spices or herbs not usually seen in teas. Nox nodded, thinking, and Aria looked at her patiently but expectantly. Romeo come to stand beside the two curios about what was going on, and Keva swam up shortly after, feeling awkward being on her own and wanting to know if Noxin was alright. 

“Aria, would you and Romeo be ok with sparing some vegetables? If I could get the herbs, I’m sure I’d make a fairly good tasting soup. It could help you attract some more customers.” Nox inquired the two root chompers. Aria looked thoughtful, then turned back to the barrels and containers of foods and tea blends behind her. “We should be fine with that. We brought extras just in case, so we are in no shortage of ingredients.” Romeo perked up beside her, excited to have something new to help out with. 

“We could set up not too far off Nox,” Keva started. “Dragons can come to get food, and then would most likely meander over to our stalls. We could also point various dragons over to Aria and Romeo’s stall if they stop by ours. We could even advertise some of your weavings as picnic blankets for dragons to sit on!” Kevalin stated excitedly, already planning where they could put each stall. 

“At that point why not make a market out of it?” Aria asked, the others turning to listen. “While yeah word of mouth’d be fine. We could turn it into a joint thing, set up tables and such?” the root chomper asked thoughtfully. “We could put some of yer artwork in the middle Keva.” Romeo added, “Have dragons be more likely to look at it and buy it. Nox and Aria both nodded in agreement. Nox could see Kevalins grin growing, the giant had a nack for planning, its one of the reasons she’d become acting leader of their little group. She was good under pressure and had a solution to literally anything.

Nox could feel themselves getting a little excited too, the purple abyssal often sold a few weavings every year and called it good. Just some extra resources to get by and some nice conversation for a bit. Sometimes a discount at some local tea shops as well. Though this years festival seemed to have quite the event in store. Nox usually kept to themselves, living a calm life, but they were starting to enjoy the little adventures and happenings that came with living in a little pod. 


–  –

Kevalin had planned out an entire restaurant set up, that both let the stalls have their own space, and let all species enjoy the teams work. Nox would set up a little soup station next to Aria and Romeos tea shop, keeping everything warm with her thermal abilities. Floating tables had been set up by Kevalin for Aquarion customers. While the terran seating was going to be mostly occupied like a picnic area with Nox’s weavings at first, Romeo and Keva figured that a seating set up would be more aesthetically appealing, drawing in more customers. The root chomper using his earth abilities to make seating and tables, decorated in Nox’s weavings. Keva decorated both spaces and made little kelp and flower seating cushions. 

Nox swam over to where Keva had set up her little stall, not too far from everything the group had been working on for the past half hour. There was something muted about her movements, a slight tick in the giants expression. Keva had a tendency to be good at hiding when she was upset, but Nox had the tendency to see past most dragons facades. The abyssal simply swam in front of the green dragon, raising a single brow. “Nothing is wrong Nox” Keva laughs going back to putting up various art pieces on little bamboo shelves. “I won’t pester you if you won’t talk about it Keva, but I am your friend and I am aware something is bothering you.” Nox says simply. The purple dragon was never one for drama, you either say it or you don’t. Keva hesitates, trying to find the right words. “I just feel a bit off is all… You are all over there working on the stalls, and I just feel a bit…. Alone, I guess, over here on my own. I’d set up closer, but there trying to put everything on the waterline next to the tea shop would be awkward and I can’t really set up on the beach.” Nox chuffs, and looks over as Keva worriedly continues. “A small waterway cutting into the beach would be helpful, but….” The two sit in silence a moment, trying to figure out if there is anything to be done, when a voice sounds from behind them. “I think you forget yer working with Root Chompers lass.” The two aqrion turn to see Romeo there, holding a box of supplies he brought to help Keva set up her stall. “We could probably dig you one, Aria and I. And we could make a wee trail into the water with the extra, so you have a little gallery line.”

Keva rushes over to the root chomper, giving him a hug and throwing a slew of thank you’s. Aria happily agrees, and the four of them work to get everything done before dragons start looking for dinner, the perfect time to see if this strategy of theirs would work out. 


With the sun setting the four all sit around a table. Lanterns sat upon one of Nox’s tablecloth weaves illuminate any darkness being revealed, one of Keva’s sculptures happily nested between them. A cup of tea and a bowl of soup sitting in front of each member of the group, content chatter flowing through the area as aqrion and terran enjoy their meals and meet new friends. 

“Hm, well we pulled it off.” Aria says, smacking her cup of tea onto the tabletop. The rest of the group smiles happily, enjoying this peace after a long day of good sales. “Indeed we did!” Romeo chirps happily, fiddling with an emerald necklace a sweet patron gifted him earlier that day. Nox smiles, then has an idea, holding up their cup to the rest of the group. “To a successful first day.” They say proudly, Aria, Romeo, and Keva look at each other smiling, then raise their own cups for a cheers. 

The night continues, Romeo and Kevalin talking about some new invention or another little critter, its hard to keep up with those two. Aria and Noxin simply enjoying the night with soft conversation between sips of tea and kelp noodles.

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