Pumpkin Snatch week 6: Chapter 1

Published Nov 24, 2021, 2:15:27 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 24, 2021, 2:15:27 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Week 6 for the Great Harvest 2021's Pumpkin Snatch prompt. Word count- 331

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

The season for the orange pumpkin menace was nearing an end. Much to Specter’s utter joy.  Fall was her favorite season, but she could not stand the demonic gourds that instead on ruining it. She had returned to the overgrown and abandoned field she had found earlier intent on finishing her destructive work. Sorva had merely sighed when she told the elf what her plan for the night was, but didn’t try to dissuade her. Even better she had Draugur to accompany her this time. The little corrupted whisp had become a constant companion and Specter was quite thrilled. Though she still found it odd that he and Sorva couldn’t seem to communicate mentally like the elf and she could. Or the elf and most anything else really, it was very odd. She could tell it bothered her rider but Sorva was also happy the Lycan had acquired a friend.

Orange demon. The short and rasping voice of the red wisp declared. Just as Specter herself spotted the field.

Indeed, Shall we destroy them all?

The wisp glowed brighter, Destroy!

And the pair descended on the abandoned pumpkin field. Specter crushed one on landing, reveling in the felling of the gourd between her skeletal claws, before grabbing one in her teeth and likewise crushing it.

Draugur seemed to fly straight through one but as he ‘came out’ of it it just exploded into a million tiny mist-like fragments. The next one he seemed to ‘eat’ which had a similar effect and more pumpkin mist flew into the night air.

By the time the moon was at it’s apex in the sky, there where no more pumpkins left intact in the field. Though the pieces where everywhere, and the stryx’s face, claws, and tail where covered in stickiness. Though the wisp seemed immune to the particles sticking to him, Specter noted a little jealous of the corrupted spirit.

I guess we’ve won until next year. She declared, satisfaction cleat in her voice.


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