Keeptin Bio: brrrr bio

Published Jun 14, 2021, 9:36:07 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 14, 2021, 9:36:07 PM | Total Chapters 1

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Chapter 1: brrrr bio

Character Name: Keeptin Korg

Character Age: 21 (in human years)

Character Species: Human like creature, he’s a demon

Hair color: Black

Eye color: white, no pupils

    Keeptin is a short slim demon with an average weight for his size. His tail has an arrowhead shape for the tip and his horns are jagged and sharp, not rounded off (he can stab someone with it if he wants to! Look out tall people!). For his clothing, he prefers to keep things light enough for him to move around in as his fighting style relies on him being able to move fast and accurately.
    He speaks with a more slang tongue, somewhat a brooklyn accent. He doesn’t focus much on trying to sound smart when he isn’t- he’d much rather blend in with everyone else than stand out. He has a slight lisp with his s’s. Not the ‘thith’ sound, but with a ‘thiss’ sound. Slurred s’s, basically. He is just not a very good talker. At least he tries to be nice though.

    He grew up in a thieves guild raised to steal small objects from the local towns and cities without anyone noticing. He specializes in lockpicking, which helps him leave no traces while he works. However, he doesn’t like this lifestyle as he feels that it isolates him from the places he’s working in. He’s had a bad track of keeping people in his life, and feels a lot of guilt for his past actions, making him hard to open up to people. Regardless, he still craves social interactions and to make friends.
    When he was younger, he was in a relationship with another thief from his guild. It was arranged, and it was after this that he found out he didn’t feel any connections to the opposite gender. Their partnership ended during a trip out when he admitted to her that he wasn’t going to put effort into furthering their relationship as he felt that he couldn’t appreciate someone he was forced to be with. Of course, they were still very good friends, and he had considered her a very close buddy of his. Unfortunately, their friendship was cut short after a heist they were doing together where she got caught and he ran away in fear. He hasn’t seen her since, and he feels extremely guilty for what happened then and blames it on himself even though it was out of his control. As a result, he’s hesitant to grow close to people in fear of losing them to his own actions.
    Now that he’s older, he resides in the guild still, but is seeking an escape from it.

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