Dawn of the winged adventurer: Chapter 1 - Swords and stories

Published Mar 14, 2021, 1:37:00 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 14, 2021, 1:37:00 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Ealga and Eric have known each other since they were small. Both friends and rival, but the two of them have very different dreams as to what life might hold for them. So what will their stories hold for them?

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Swords and stories

Ealga and her family grew up in a large city. There were many races from all over the place and it was fun to see what everyones' story was. It only fueled the young fae thirst for adventure. From a young age, she made friends with a human. Who always kept up with her, despite him not having wings like she did. She loved that they both had hair like sunlight, they got into tons of mischief together. Always pushing the laws as far as they could go, just to see what they could get away with. Until one time a knight a grabbed both of thim, her friend by the collar of his shirt. While she struggled, as he held her wings closed. The knight gave them both quite a chewing out, Eric was left with stars in his eyes and while the little Fae was left with a sore back and aching wings.
After that though, the two of them decided to try and learn how to fight with swords. At first it was more than a little sloppy and for fun, but as time went by, both kids ended up forming dreams that having a knowledge of swordsmanship would be useful. She wanted to to adventure and discover more stories and secrets and she didn't want anything to get in her way. While her best friend, decided he wanted to be a knight to help defend people. So as time went on, she not only ended up growing taller than most of her family. Whom wasn’t afraid to get a few scratches, regardless of if the scratches were on her body or her wings. Ealga and Eric became rivals when it came to who could use a sword better. Both of their muscles lean and firm from always trying to prove they were better than the other.
As years passed by like it was game, both kids tried repeatedly to trick or convince the other to chance their dream. That way they could always be together and do what they have always done... So they could continue having each others' back. For there was no one, each trusted than the other, and both dreaded the idea that the day would come when they would have to part. That the day would come when they couldn't end their long day by watching the sunset with the other by their side, like they've done since they've met.
When it became clear that neither was going to convince Eric surprised her one day. By, bringing a journal with a jade latched that he joked matched her eyes. At first Ealga was confused as to what it was for, before he explained, "You like hearing everyones' stories. I figure this way, when you come back, you can share some of yours with me. That way, it will be almost like I was there by your side." Wearing that goofy smile he always had. She couldn't help but laugh, wrapping him in a big hug. She took the journal and promised to write down all her stories in it. The next day, she was late to their normal sparring lesson and Eric was upset. Until he saw that she had managed to find a journal that small saphires that matched his eyes on it and put it in his hands. "Don't leave anything out, I want to hear your stories too! I know you will be an amazing knight and if by the time we have so many stories that we can share them all by the time we have to part ways. What if we switch the journal? That way, it can be like we always have a part of each other with us." He hugged the journal close, before pulling Ealga into a hug. Both of them promising to do their hardest and to get as many stories down as they could when they were apart.
That way, they knew they were never alone. Which made the day Eric got accepted to be a squire and they had to part ways, just a hair easier. Ealga waved to her friend as he was escorted to where he would be starting his apprenticeship, managing not to cry until she couldn't see him anymore. 
Not long after, She decided it was time for her to follow her dream as well. With just a bag over her shoulder and her sword on her hip. Flying off with orange glints dancing around her, as the sun danced around her not quite transparent wings. Off to find out just what this world had in store for her.

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