the talisman of stella: talisman

Published Feb 25, 2021, 4:47:35 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 25, 2021, 4:47:35 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

character id : PD77 stalla's talsiaman for arpg

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Chapter 1: talisman

The talisman of stella:

Stella has a talisman, something she always kept with her in the past, and she always will take with her, whatever land she journeys to, It will be there.

This ‘talisman of hers, is an ordinary seeming journal, at least at first. It measures about 8 inches tall, and 6 across, though it is rather thick. One of its many interesting properties is the fact more pages can be added to the journal, allowing for this memento to keep on expanding, as time goes on and stella travels. Mostly it contains her travels, and written descriptions of creatures she has fought, as well as her unlocking of a deep energy, stored within her.
There is another strange property of this journal, which is what it is made of. The journal’s binding is made of a strange leather it has a somewhat yellow tone to it, and is extremely durable and waterproof. The pages inside seem mostly normal for the most part, but store some latent ability, to repel water, possibly their contents, or some hidden elemental ability. The pages store information of her past, as a mechanic in a far off world, and as a pilot.

Stella was given this journal by her parents, when she was young and learning how to fly and fix the metal behemoths of her origins. The journal had the same colour as her mothers skin, and the pages that of her father, A strange tradition perhaps, but one that they found worthwhile all the same. This journal given in her childhood has followed her throughout her life, as mentioned before, and adventure after adventure it has joined her, faithfully, one true companion throughout the ages. The journal has markings of her past etched faithfully into it, with badges of her life, her starpilots badge, and her engineers badge, the first to come to mind. To give some background, the tradition of giving journals to the children has been a long lasting tradition in stella’s bloodline, and those who join it. Her parents  had received them, always a blend of the parents colour.

The journal, stella knows as simply ‘the memory’ holds a lot of sentimental value to her, having been gifted to her by her mother and father, when she was a young drake, she carries it around to constantly keep track of what she is doing at the time, be it her emotions, her thoughts or even perhaps a new object of curiosity, it goes into the journal, marked with whatever she has to hand, on pages that make the writing permanent, and correct passive mistakes, as she needs. Some of her entries detail how she came to be a pilot, first discovering her affinity for the stars and skies of her homeworld, she wished she had the wings with which to soar and touch the skies, her journal describing it at a ‘burning wish, aimed at the heavens.’ she soon found she had an unnatural affinity for flying starships, and she went to learn, and through hardships and some admittedly easy-ships, she became a pilot, and soon on of the best her system had seen.

The reason stella decided to take her journal with her was simple, It is they only way she can think of to permanently keep the memories of her travels, and her latent elements. Not just that, but also her travels, and things she has made, and may need to make later. Were someone else to read it, they could learn a lot about engineering and piloting. Stella also takes it as a memory of her mother and father, whom she was forced to leave to train as a pilot and engineer offworld, and then again when she went traveling the realms. It also contains the necessary needs to keep her metal arm well maintained, the other reason stella takes the journal.

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